The Friends of Carter Barron Foundation for the Performing Arts (Friends Group) finds it necessary to inform the DMV community and national supporters about the misleading narrative being promoted by Rock Creek Conservancy (RCC), a Bethesda-based organization chartered by the National Park Service (NPS).
This false narrative, perpetuated by RCC—founded in 2015—includes the following misrepresentations:
1. Misleading Claims About Founding Members
RCC falsely claims that Donna Potts is a founding member of the Friends Group. This is incorrect. The true founder of the Friends Group is Gloria J. Hightower, who established the organization in 1988. While Donna Potts served as the first president of the nonprofit in 1990, she is not a founding member.
The history of the Friends Group dates back to 1988, when Gloria J. Hightower, was honored to be selected as the opening act for The Whispers at Carter Barron Amphitheatre (CBA) through a competitive process organized by the NPS Regional Office. Following that performance, Ms. Hightower was approached by the highly respected Al Dale, then Public Affairs Director for Carter Barron and later Special Assistant for Public Affairs to the NPS Director. He shared a letter—being read on air by radio icon Cathy Hughes—calling on Robert Stanton, the first Black Regional Director, to either bid out or demolish the Amphitheatre.
Recognizing the cultural and historical significance of CBA, Mrs. Hughes and Ms. Hightower immediately took action to oppose this recommendation. At no point did we seek or require input from Donna Potts.
In 2023, Potts attempted to take control of the Friends Group and failed. Now, with the backing of RCC, the retired Rock Creek Park Superintendent Julia Washburn, and RCC Executive Director Jeanne Braha, she seeks to falsely elevate herself as a founding member while attempting to dismantle, discredit, and undermine the long-standing efforts of the Friends Group. To further this goal, they have even established a separate nonprofit entity, the so-called “Alliance,” in an effort to usurp the Friends Group’s mission.
2. False Claims About Raising $1.7 Million
RCC claims to have raised $1.7 million for Carter Barron Amphitheatre. This claim is unverified and contradicts documented historical records.
In reality, this funding was secured in 1999 through an earmark obtained by Councilmember Kevin P. Chavous, who connected Ms. Hightower with then-Republican Councilmember David A. Catania. Together, we successfully advocated on Capitol Hill for the funding, securing commitments from the Chairman and Secretary of the Interior.
By this time, Donna Potts had already resigned from the Friends Group (1992), and RCC did not even exist. Their claim to have raised these funds is therefore completely inaccurate.
Additionally, it is highly questionable that Rock Creek Conservancy—an organization dominated by non-Black leadership—would now attempt to claim credit for these historic efforts, particularly when the documented records directly attribute the funding success to the Friends Group and the advocacy of legislators who valued preserving this national treasure.
3. The Friends Group Rejects Exploitative Recruitment Tactics
RCC, despite being based in Bethesda, is now aggressively soliciting Black residents of Washington, D.C. to join their efforts—while simultaneously attempting to discredit the Friends Group. This opportunistic recruitment approach is not only unethical but also undermines the legacy and contributions of the Black-led Friends Group, which has worked tirelessly for decades to support Carter Barron Amphitheatre.
We must also call out the false and defamatory claims made against our nonprofit, which are being amplified by Donna Potts and RCC leadership—despite the complete lack of evidence to support their assertions. As my southern mother and best friend always said, “Never trust a liar.”
Unfortunately, D.C. Councilmember Janeese Lewis George has also engaged with these bad-faith actors, despite being previously encouraged by our nonprofit to serve as a panelist for their discussions.
4. Setting the Record Straight Through Documentary Evidence
On February 20th, RCC presented a documentary short film in Silver Spring, MD, which lacked historical accuracy and failed to acknowledge the authentic legacy of the Friends Group. In response, we are now moving forward with our own documentary—a long-overdue project that has already attracted the professional interest of:
• The D.C. Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment
• The D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities
Unlike RCC’s misleading presentation, our documentary will be rooted in verifiable historical evidence—evidence that neither RCC, Rock Creek Park, nor Donna Potts can refute.
The Friends Group’s Mission Will Not Be Deterred
Our commitment to reopening and preserving Carter Barron Amphitheatre’s traditional summer season remains unwavering. We have the historical records, legislative backing, and community support to prove our legitimacy.
Neither the National Park Service nor RCC has provided any valid justification for excluding the Friends Group from discussions about Carter Barron’s future. Moreover, our continued collaboration with Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton—who has supported our mission since its inception—further solidifies our rightful place in this conversation.
Acknowledging Support from D.C. Leadership
We extend our gratitude to:
• D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson
• At-Large Councilmember Robert White
• Ward 4 Councilmember Janeese Lewis George
• Former Mayor Anthony A. Williams
• Mayor Muriel Bowser
for recognizing the historic achievements of the Friends Group.
Despite RCC and Rock Creek Park’s continued attempts to spread misinformation, we will not allow our legacy to be erased. We urge potential investors and the press to hold Rock Creek Conservancy accountable for its misleading claims and attempts to rewrite history.
Final Word
The Friends of Carter Barron Foundation for the Performing Arts remains steadfast in its mission to restore and revitalize this historic venue. We will not be silenced, discredited, or erased by those who seek to exploit our legacy for their own gain.
The truth is documented—and we stand firm in defending it.
Gloria J. Hightower
Founder, Friends of Carter Barron Foundation for the Performing Arts